1. Pan African Federation of Accountants – Internacional - Noticias

    1. AIRC Integrated thinking and reporting in Africa November 2017 Final
  2. PricewaterhouseCoopers - Internacional - Noticias

    1. 21st CEO Survey: Key findings from the banking and capital markets industry
    2. 21st CEO Survey: Key findings from the insurance industry
    3. 21st CEO Survey: Key findings from the asset and wealth management industry
    4. Emerging Trends in Real Estate®: The Global Outlook 2018
    5. PwC’s 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey
    6. 21st CEO Survey: Key findings from the oil and gas industry
    7. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    8. Global Technology IPO Review
    9. Five trends transforming the Automotive Industry
    10. 21st CEO Survey - PwC Global
    11. The Coming Wave of Digital Disruption
    12. Miles to Go podcast series
    13. 10 Principles for Winning the Game of Digital Disruption
    14. Global Digital Small Business Insurance Survey: This time it’s personal
    15. Episode 22: PwC IFRS Talks: 2018 First Quarter IFRS Update
    16. Episode 21: PwC IFRS Talks: Investors Perspective
    17. IFRS 9 Impairment - Intercompany loans: PwC In depth
    18. Retail and consumer (‘R&C’) industry supplement for IFRS 16 ‘Leases’
    19. PwC IFRS blog - Accounting for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
    20. Episode 20: PwC IFRS Talks: IAS 32 Debt or Equity Classification
    21. IFRS 9 What’s new in financial instruments accounting for asset management: PwC In depth
    22. IASB issues amendments to IAS 19 – plan amendment, curtailment or settlement: PwC In brief
    23. In depth IFRS 15 industry supplement – Banking
    24. Episode 19: PwC IFRS Talks: IAS 38 Intangible Assets
    25. PwC In transition - Insurance TRG holds its first meeting on IFRS 17
    26. IFRS 16, 'Leases' - Implications for the airlines industry - PwC In the Spotlight
    27. IFRS 9 impairment: significant increase in credit risk: PwC In depth
    28. Episode 18: PwC IFRS Talks: IFRS 16 Implementation
    29. Illustrative IFRS consolidated financial statements: Investment property - 2017 update
    30. IFRS tax accounting effects of the US tax reform - PwC In depth
    31. PwC's IFRS 15 the basics–Step 5–Recognise revenue when (or as) a performance obligation is satisfied
    32. Episode 17: PwC IFRS Talks: Cryptocurrencies
    33. Accounting under IFRS for options over intellectual property in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industry - PwC In brief
    34. IFRS 16, ‘Leases’ for the shipping industry - PwC In depth supplement
    35. IFRS 9 impairment: Revolving credit facilities and expected credit losses: PwC In depth
    36. US tax reform - PwC In brief
    37. Achieving hedge accounting in practice under IFRS 9
    38. Episode 16: PwC IFRS Talks: 2017 IFRS Year End reminders
    39. IFRS IC decision on interest and penalties related to income taxes
    40. PwC In depth - IFRS 9 Impact on the pharmaceutical industry
    41. Episode 15: PwC IFRS Talks: IAS 7, Cash Flow Statements
    42. Applying IFRS for the real estate industry
    43. IFRS news - March 2018
    44. IFRS news - February 2018
    45. IFRS news - January 2018
  3. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. March 1, 2018 About the PCAOB James G. Kaiser Sworn in Today as PCAOB Board Member
    2. Feb. 1, 2018 About the PCAOB PCAOB Board Member J. Robert Brown Sworn into Office Today
    3. Jan. 25, 2018 About the PCAOB PCAOB Board Statement on Passing of Former PCAOB Chairman William McDonough
    4. Jan. 12, 2018 Standing Advisory Group PCAOB Announces Six New and Eight Reappointed Standing Advisory Group Members
    5. Jan. 2, 2018 About the PCAOB Francis "Abe" Dymond Named Chief of Staff for the PCAOB
    6. Jan. 2, 2018 About the PCAOB PCAOB Chairman Duhnke and Board Member Hamm Sworn in Today
    7. Dec. 29, 2017 About the PCAOB Samantha Ross to Leave the PCAOB After 15 Years
    8. Dec. 20, 2017 Enforcement PCAOB Announces $1.5 Million Settlement with Grant Thornton for Quality Control Violations and Audit Failures
    9. Dec. 20, 2017 Enforcement PCAOB Announces $750,000 Settlement with Deloitte Turkey
    10. Dec. 11, 2017 International PCAOB Concludes 11th Annual International Institute on Audit Regulation
    11. Dec. 4, 2017 Auditor's Report, Staff Guidance PCAOB Publishes Staff Guidance on Implementing Changes to Auditor's Report
  4. Rutgers Accounting Web - Estados Unidos de América - Presentaciones

    1. ‹ 41st World Continuous Auditing & Reporting Symposia - Huelva, Spain
    2. Introduction to Financial Accounting
    3. Introduction to Managerial Accounting
    4. Intermediate Accounting I
    5. Intermediate Accounting I (Rebecca Bloch)
    6. Intermediate Accounting II
    7. Advanced Accounting
    8. Financial Accounting (Gold Series)
    9. Auditing Principles
    10. Management and Cost Accounting
    11. Accounting Information Systems
    12. Business Law I
    13. Business Law II
    14. Federal Taxation I
    15. Accounting in the Digital Era
    16. Computer Augmented Accounting
    17. Decoding of Corporate Financial Communications
  5. SAMantilla - Colombia - Artículos

    1. Cuando la política es más importante que el interés público
    2. Aseguramiento es todo, pero puede ser nada. Respuesta a Ricardo Garzón
    3. Los IFRS y el cambio climático. La relación entre los IFRS y lo ambiental adquiere mayor dinámica cuando se centra en el cambio climático
    4. Financiación del crecimiento sostenible. Transformación de las finanzas, la contabilidad, y la presentación de reportes corporativos, en aras de la sostenibilidad
    5. De las líneas de defensa a las líneas de aseguramiento. El impacto que el gobierno corporativo tiene en la revisoría fiscal
    6. El contador no automatizable utiliza a su favor las tecnologías digitales
    7. Reestructurado el Código, ¿se reestructura la ética de los contadores?
    8. Unidades generadoras de efectivo – hagas lo que hagas, ¡no lo toques!
    9. Principios de revelación – tome su papel y eh…
    10. Principios de revelación - ¡deténgame antes que explique en exceso!
    11. IFRS – ¡un regalo claro para el mundo!
    12. Hola, estados financieros - ¡Esto entre nosotros simplemente no está funcionando!
    13. ¿Se puede mejorar la prueba de deterioro de la plusvalía? (¡No respondan todos a la vez!)
    14. El IFRS 15 en acción – Parte 2
    15. Enmiendas propuestas al IAS 8 – si la política de contabilidad cae en el bosque
    16. El IFRS 15 en acción – algunos impactos materiales que vienen
  6. Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) - Reino de Arabia Saudita - Noticias

    1. Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority Adopts New Bond Issuance System Using Bloomberg
    2. SAMA's decision on repo and REVERSE REPO RATEs
    3. statement ON SUSPENSION OF The term repo facility
  7. Secretaría Distrital de Hacienda (Bogotá) - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Cuenta regresiva para acogerse al pago del Predial por cuotas
    2. Reporte de información en medios magnéticos
    3. Administración Distrital cumple meta de recaudo en 2017
    4. Secretaría de Hacienda aclara inquietudes sobre el impuesto Predial
  8. Securities and Exchange Comission (SEC) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. SEC Issues Agenda for April 9 Meeting of the Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee
    2. SEC Awards More Than $2.2 Million to Whistleblower Who First Reported Information to Another Federal Agency Before SEC
    3. SEC Warns of Government Impersonators
    4. Broker-Dealer Admits It Failed to File SARs
    5. SEC Proposes Transaction Fee Pilot for NMS Stocks
    6. SEC Proposes Targeted Changes to Public Liquidity Risk Management Disclosure
    7. Foreign Affiliates of KPMG, Deloitte, BDO Charged in Improper Audits
    8. SEC Announces Agenda for March 8 Investor Advisory Committee Meeting
    9. SEC Votes to Modify Compliance Date for Open-End Fund Liquidity Classification
    10. SEC Adopts Statement and Interpretive Guidance on Public Company Cybersecurity Disclosures
    11. SEC Obtains Bars and Suspensions Against Individuals and Accounting Firm in Shell Factory Scheme
    12. Kyle Moffatt Named Chief Accountant in Division of Corporation Finance
    13. SEC Launches Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative to Encourage Self-Reporting and the Prompt Return of Funds to Investors
    14. Investor Protection, Capital Formation and Market Integrity Are Top Priorities in SEC Budget Request
    15. SEC Invites Regulated Entities to Voluntarily Submit Self-Assessments of Diversity Policies and Practices
    16. Six Accountants Charged with Using Leaked Confidential PCAOB Data in Quest to Improve Inspection Results for KPMG
    17. SEC Issues Agenda for Inaugural Meeting of the Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Committee
    18. Annual Staff Reports on Credit Rating Agencies Show Improvements
    19. Commission Staff Provides Regulatory Guidance for Accounting Impacts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
    20. SEC Modifies Approach to Form N-PORT Filing Requirements
    21. Audit Firm Charged With Fraud Relating to Auditing of Penny Stock Companies
  9. Singapore Actuarial Society - Singapur - Noticias

    1. Council Updates
    2. IAIS adopts revisions to the Insurance Core Principles
    3. SOA: Investigating the Link between Population Aging and Deflation
  10. Slovenian Institute of Auditors - Eslovenia - Noticias

    1. Revizijski svet je na svoji seji dne 8. 3. 2018 sprejel besedilo Stališča 1 - Revizorjev pregled in poročanje o letnem poročilu
    2. Odbor sekcije pooblaščenih ocenjevalcev vrednosti je na svoji seji 13. 2. 2018 sprejel predloge prenovljenih SPS.
    3. V javno razpravo je ponovno dan predlog Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-2). Pripombe se zbirajo do 2. 2. 2018.
    4. Izšla je nova številka revije SIR*IUS.
    5. Revizijski svet je sprejel, Agencija za javni nadzor nad revidiranjem pa dala soglasje na novo Stališče 8 - Dodatni revizijski pregled glede izpolnjevanja pravil o upravljanju s tveganji v bankah in hranilnicah.
    6. Strokovni svet Slovenskega inštituta za revizijo je na podlagi predloga Komisije za SRS na seji 21. decembra 2017 sprejel Osnutek SRS 15  (2019) - Prihodki in osnutek sprememb SRS 3 (2016)  - Finančne naložbe.
  11. Smartpros - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. New Survey: Half of Americans Expect Identity Theft to Cause Them a Financial Loss in the Next Year; Majority of Investment Frauds Go Unreported
    2. Business Travelers Flying Into States May Trigger Corporate Taxation Among Key Findings from Bloomberg BNA Survey
    3. 1 in 3 Americans Say Healthcare Costs Are the No. 1 Economic Burden Today
    4. Despite Weak Global Economy, U.S. Companies Still Turning to International Markets for Growth
  12. Society of Actuaries (SOA) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. The SOA Provides Comments to NAIC on Qualified Actuary Draft Definition – February 12, 2018
    2. Actuaries Climate Index Spring 2017 Data Released – January 17, 2018
    3. Consumer Concern Over Financial Risks of Retirement Increased in 2017 – January 17, 2018
    4. The SOA Recognizes Actuarial Program at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland – January 10, 2018
    5. Actuarial Organizations Explore Ways to Support Inclusion and Diversity Within the Profession – December 13, 2017
  13. Society of Actuaries in Ireland - Irlanda - Noticias

    1. Society warns on new PRIIPs Projection Rules
  14. Suomen Tilintarkastajat ry - Finlandia - Noticias

    1. Mihin tilintarkastaja kiinnittää huomiota säätiön tilintarkastuksessa?
    2. Mitkä ovat säätiöiden vuosiselvitysten kipukohdat?
    3. Tilintarkastuksen perustoimenpiteet
    4. Uusia asioita vai asioita uudella tavalla?
    5. Säädösten ja määräysten noudattaminen – mitä tilintarkastajan velvollisuuksiin kuuluu?
    6. Varmista oikeutesi, tilintarkastaja!
    7. Tilintarkastuksen kannalta keskeiset seikat ovat sijoittajalle apuväline
    8. Pohjoismaiset tilintarkastajat ovat edelläkävijöitä digitalisaatiossa
    9. Tilintarkastaja väärinkäytösten estäjänä asunto-osakeyhtiössä
    10. Tilintarkastus on osa suomalaisen yhteiskunnan kivijalkaa
    11. Tilintarkastuskertomuksen laatiminen on osa ammattitaitoa – näin valitset oikean kertomusmallin
    12. Mitä kirjanpitäjä toivoo tilintarkastajalta?
    13. Tilintarkastusvalvonta: jatkossa kaikki laadunvarmistukset virkamiesvoimin
    14. Kiinteistön rasitteita ja sitoumuksia koskevat tiedot asunto-osakeyhtiöissä
    15. Osaamistaan kehittävä tilintarkastaja on asiakkaan paras kumppani
  15. South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) - Sudáfrica - Noticias

    1. Transformation successes evident in latest Chartered Accountancy professional exam results
    2. IFIAR Report indicates some improvement in findings, although more still needs to be done
    4. SAICA CEO seconded to the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture
    5. Ntsebeza Inquiry tying up some loose ends
    6. SAICA Launches audit support line for public schools
    7. Ntsebeza Inquiry will not leave a stone unturned
    8. 2018 Budget – Tough, but hopeful!
    9. Speech for the opening of the Ntsebeza Inquiry Hearing by the CEO of SAICA on 19 February 2018
    10. Ntsebeza Inquiry enters next phase
    11. The 2018 Business Day TV SME Summit aims to ignite growth potential for small businesses and entrepreneurs
    12. The Ntsebeza Inquiry moving into hearings phase
    13. Beating the odds: Cala school pass rate increases 18% thanks to unique intervention
    14. Not even blindness could stop achievement of his dream
    15. IAASB – Feedback on Exploring the Growing Use of Technology in the Audit
    16. Wellington learner is the province’s top aspiring accountant
    17. Update on the Ntsebeza inquiry into the conduct of SAICA members employed by KPMG
    18. Seven distinctions for KZN’s top learner against adversity
    19. Extra effort adds up for the Eastern Cape’s top matrics
    20. Notice to complete NOCLAR declaration

