1. Government Accountability Office (GAO) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias y documentos

    1. Information Technology: IRS Needs to Take Additional Actions to Address Significant Risks to Tax Processing
    2. Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications for Policy and Research
    3. Information Technology: Continued Implementation of High-Risk Recommendations Is Needed to Better Manage Acquisitions Operations and Cybersecurity
    4. Assessment Methodology for Economic Analysis
    5. GAO 2018-2023 Strategic Plan: Goals and Objectives for Serving Congress and the Nation (Supersedes GAO-14-1SP)
  2. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. GASB Establishes New Guidance for Interest Cost Incurred Before the End of a Construction Period
    2. FAF Issues 2017 Annual Report: Standards That Work
    3. GASB Establishes New Implementation Guidance to Assist Stakeholders with Recent Pronouncements
    4. GASB Establishes New Guidance on Debt Disclosures, Addresses Direct Borrowings and Direct Placements
  3. Grant Thornton Internacional - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Statement from Grant Thornton International Ltd
    2. Global business optimism creates peak investment conditions
    3. Zero tolerance for any form of harassment
    4. IASB issues a revised ‘Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting’
    5. Gender balance in senior leadership roles remains elusive
    6. SizweNtsalubaGobodo joins Grant Thornton network
    7. Future of Europe 2018
    8. Women in business 2018
    9. IFRS 16 - Prepare for lease accounting changes
    10. Taxation in real-time: Gearing up for blockchain
    11. Transfer pricing guide 2018
    12. Boardroom conflict? How can you avoid or deal with it?
  4. Grupo Latinoamericano de emisores de Normas de Información Financiera (GLENIF) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Creación del GTT 66 – Actividad de Agricultura. Presentación y Revelación – IAS 41
    2. Publicado un cuestionario sobre el Marco Conceptual
    3. Fueran creados los siguientes GTTS.
    4. Taller regional IFRS: IFRS 17 Contratos de seguro
  5. Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C) - Francia - Noticias

    1. Avis rendu par le H3C : possibilité d'exercer concomitamment au sein d'une même coopérative les missions de commissaire aux comptes et de réviseur coopératif
    2. Le H3C apporte des précisions à ses préconisations pour accompagner la réforme des seuils d'audit
    3. Homologation de la convention de délégation par le H3C à la CNCC du recouvrement amiable des cotisations qui lui sont dues
    4. Publication du rapport annuel 2017 du H3C
    5. Homologation de la norme d'exercice professionnel révisée relative à l'évaluation des anomalies relevées au cours de l'audit (NEP 450)
    6. Préconisations du H3C pour accompagner la réforme des seuils rendant obligatoire l'intervention des commissaires aux comptes dans les entreprises
    7. Publication de l'arrêté relatif à la formation professionnelle continue des commissaires aux comptes au Journal officiel
  6. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Hong Kong - Noticias

    1. Members' handbook update no. 218 relates to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2018
    2. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a corporate practice and a certified public accountant (practising)
    3. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against two certified public accountants (practising) and a corporate practice
    4. New FAQs on applying HKAS 12 Income Taxes in light of recent HK profits tax regime
    5. TechWatch No.188
    6. Guardian Role of Professionals in Upholding Ethical Governance (Re-run)
    7. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant
    8. Are you ready for the new Anti-Money Laundering regime (27 June)
    9. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    10. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    11. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a firm and two certified public accountants (practising)
    12. HKICPA publishes pocket summary - Implementing HKFRS 17 Insurance Contracts
    13. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a corporate practice and two certified public accountants (practising)
    14. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    15. Corporate Governance: Report on Improving Corporate Governance in Hong Kong
    16. Members' handbook update no. 217 relates to the Amendments to HKAS 19 Employee Benefits
    17. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising) and a corporate practice
    18. TechWatch No.186
    19. Quality assurance department report 2017
    20. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    21. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising) and a firm
    22. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant
    23. Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    24. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant
    25. Accounting Standard-Setters of Hong Kong and Japan Discuss Higher Quality Accounting Standards by Collaboration
    26. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant (practising)
    27. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a certified public accountant and a firm
    28. HKICPA takes disciplinary action against a corporate practice and two certified public accountants (practising)
  7. Hrvatska zajednica računovođa i financijskih djelatnika - Croacia - Noticias

    1. Stav Hrvatske zajednice računovođa o licenciranju računovođa
  8. IAS PLUS - Internacional - Noticias

    1. ECON motion for resolution on IFRS 17
    2. CFA Institute and IFRS Foundation discuss technology’s impact on financial information
    3. FRC Lab report on reporting performance metrics
    4. FASB and OIC hold joint meeting
    5. 'An introduction to accounting for cryptocurrencies'
    6. FRC Lab report on blockchain
    7. ASBJ proposes adopting IFRS 16 unmodified as JMIS
    8. AcSB publishes draft framework for reporting performance measures
    9. Academic conference sees keynote speech and panel discussion on the future of corporate reporting
    10. Hyperinflationary economies - updated IPTF watch list available
    11. IFRS Foundation Trustees seek ASAF members, publish feedback statement following their 2018 review of ASAF
    12. COSO and WBCSD issue draft guidance to supplement COSO’s updated enterprise risk management (ERM) framework
    13. Summary of the April 2018 ASAF meeting now available
    14. SEC Chief Accountant warns against superimposing additional objectives onto general purpose financial reporting
    15. Draft programme for the World Standard-setters meeting in October available
    16. Korea to adopt IFRS 17
    17. ECON draft resolution on IFRS 17
    18. The Bruce Column — Boosting the bottom line with integrated thinking, sustainability and value
    19. Joint investor event hosted by CFA Institute and IFRS Foundation
    20. Report on the spring 2018 IFASS meeting
    21. EC follows up on action plan on sustainable finance with first legislative proposals
    22. Recent sustainability reporting developments
    23. ECON exchange of views with EFRAG dominated by IFRS 17 issues
    24. We comment on three IFRS Interpretations Committee tentative agenda decisions
    25. IFRS 17 impact survey
    26. Research into the local implementation of the EU Directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information
    27. EFRAG draft comment letter on proposed amendments to IAS 8 regarding agenda decisions
    28. ESMA publishes 22nd enforcement decisions report
    29. ASBJ and OIC hold joint meeting
    30. ASBJ adopts IFRS 9 unmodified as JMIS
    31. EFRAG is looking for participants in outreach on IFRS 17
    32. Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments
    33. Ind AS application deferred for Indian banks
    34. EFRAG consults on future research agenda
    35. ESMA publishes report on the activities of accounting enforcers and their findings within the EU in 2017
    36. FRC Financial Reporting Lab extends digital reporting research to artificial intelligence
    37. Entity specific disclosures in XBRL reports
    38. EFRAG publishes results of literature review on IFRS 9 and long-term investment
    39. IASB and IFRS Foundation react to EU fitness check on public reporting by companies
    40. Standard-setters from Australia and Japan take up bilateral meetings
    41. European Union formally adopts amendments to IFRS 9
    42. Deloitte publishes guide to new revenue standard
    43. EFRAG publishes remaining two IFRS 17 briefing papers
    44. EC launches fitness check on public reporting by companies
    45. EFRAG issues annual review for 2017
    46. IFRS 9 and IFRS 17 dominate ECON exchange of views
    47. Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments
    48. Annual ECON exchange of views with Hans Hoogervorst and Michel Prada
    49. Japan updates list of 'designated' IFRSs
    50. AOSSG updates report on Islamic financial transactions under IFRS
    51. Use of financial accounting standards to meet TCFD recommendations
    52. Hyperinflationary economies - updated IPTF watch list available
    53. European Commission publishes action plan on sustainable finance
    54. Standard-setters from Hong Kong and Japan take up bilateral meetings
    55. EFRAG publishes report on the perception of its work in the financial reporting community
    56. Accountancy Europe issues position paper on sustainable finance
    57. EFRAG publishes discussion paper on the impairment and recycling of equity instruments
    58. Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments
    59. Paper on the new revenue recognition requirements from the investors' view
    60. EFRAG publishes IFRS 17 briefing paper
    61. SEC issues interpretive guidance on cybersecurity
  9. Information Systems Audit and Control Association and Foundation (ISACAF) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. @ISACA Volume 13 | 27 June 2018
    2. Journal Online-Exclusive: The Methods and Costs of Data Breaches Learn More
    3. Review Highlights from NA CACS and EuroCACS 2018 Conferences Learn More
    4. Journal Blog: Skills You Will Not Find on a Resume Learn More
    5. COBIT Focus: Tips for Making COBIT 5 Implementation Fit the Enterprise Learn More
    6. Journal Volume 2 in Spanish now available! Learn More
    7. The Nexus: Train Barefoot Doctors in Your Organization Learn More
    8. View ISACA’s new research on smart cities and critical infrastructure security Learn More
    9. Access ISACA’s GDPR Readiness Survey results and related resources Learn More
    10. Journal Volume 3, 2018 Articles Now Available Learn More
    11. State of Cybersecurity 2018: View the latest statistics on workforce trends and in-demand skills Learn More
    12. GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessments now available in Spanish Learn More
  10. Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. - Alemania - Noticias

    1. 03/29/2018 IPSASB: Proposed International Public Sector Accounting Standard: Social Benefits
    2. IDW Announcement: Change in German Auditing Standard Setting from Transposition of International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) to Adoption of ISAs (2018) (PDF)
    3. Trendwatch: Zukunft des kapitalmarktorientierten Reportings
  11. Institut des Actuaires - Francia - Noticias

    1. 05/31 - COR « Convergence public/privé en matière de retraite »
  12. Institut des Experts comptables et des Conseils fiscaux - Belgica - Noticias

    1. Superviserez-vous un stagiaire pendant son stage ?
    2. ETAF Weekly Tax News – 25 June 2018
    3. CFE's Tax Top 5 – 25 June 2018
    4. Ajout de deux personnes à la liste EIIL (Daech) et Al-Qaida du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies
    5. Lutte contre le blanchiment et le financement du terrorisme et limitation des paiements et dons en espèces…
    6. Déclarations au précompte professionnel et fiches fiscales – évitez les erreurs
    7. CFE's Tax Top 5 – 18 June 2018
    8. ETAF Weekly Tax News – 18 June 2018
    9. Mise à jour importante : les factures PDF automatiquement converties en format e-fff UBL
    10. Kris Peeters veut accompagner les entreprises à se préparer au Brexit
    11. Exercice d’un mandat de gérant ou d’administrateur dans une société de patrimoine
    12. La commission parlementaire organise des auditions sur le projet de loi modifiant le Code des sociétés et des associations
    13. Nouvelles réglementations pour les ASBL
    14. CFE's Tax Top 5 – 11 June 2018
    15. Modification du champ d'application du régime de taxation applicable aux constructions juridiques
    16. La douane se prépare pour un Brexit proche
    17. L'UCM et le SNI ravis de la réforme de l'encadrement de la formation en alternance
    18. L’indemnité de trajet domicile-lieu de travail assujettie aux cotisations si elle est combinée à une allocation de mobilité
    19. Survey on Assurance for SMEs
    20. Superviserez-vous un stagiaire pendant son stage ?
    21. Le membre au centre de l’agenda de l’IEC
    22. Les conseillers fiscaux non reconnus ne sont pas soumis à la (nouvelle) loi relative à la prévention du blanchiment : l’IEC combat cette injustice devant la Cour constitutionnelle
    23. La lettre de mission est obligatoire depuis le 21 septembre 2017
    24. Assemblée générale : une vision pour l’avenir
    25. À partir du 1er mai 2018, le droit de l'insolvabilité vous est applicable ! L'IEC vous invite à présenter votre candidature à la fonction de praticien de l'insolvabilité !
    26. Comment présenter votre candidature en tant que praticien de l'insolvabilité ?
    27. Découvrez notre nouvel espace RGPD dans BeExcellent
    28. Zoom sur Excel for Accountancy : gratuit pour les membres et les stagiaires
    29. Zoom sur l’e-guichet (plateforme d’information et d’échanges)
    30. Connaissez-vous les e-tools de l’IEC ?
    31. Dernière ligne droite pour les stagiaires en fin de parcours
    32. Voulez-vous aussi contribuer au renforcement de la profession ?
    33. Guidez vos clients vers un financement européen : Access2Finance
    34. Stage : accueil de la promotion 2018
    35. Points marquants de l’assemblée générale de l’IFAC à Bruxelles
    36. Facturation électronique : répondez à l'enquête annuelle de l'ASA
  13. Institute Actuaries of Japan - Japón - Noticias

    1. 第31回 国際アクチュアリー会議(ICA2018)について
    2. 年次大会報告集』発行のお知らせ
  14. Institute of Actuaries of Australia - Australia - Noticias

    1. 20 June 2018: Richard Madden celebrated for work in disability services, Indigenous health and welfare
    2. 22 May 2018: The Future of Life Insurance
    3. 8 May 2018: Actuaries Institute welcomes 2018 Budget; new policy approach will protect super balances and boost retirees’ income
  15. Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (CPA) - Irlanda - Noticias

    1. Leaving Cert not fit for purpose according to Accountants
    2. CPA Ireland President calls for a re-balance of Government Policy to support Indigenous SME Irish businesses
