1. Japanese Society of Certified Pension Actuaries - Japón - Noticias

    1. 第75回研修会のご案内(PDF:275KB)
    2. 確定給付企業年金に関する数理実務ガイダンス」の改定
    3. 社会保障審議会(企業年金・個人年金部会)への提言提出
  2. Junta Central de Contadores - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Acta 216
    2. Acta 215
    3. Acta 214
    4. Acta 213
    5. Acta 212
    6. Acta 211
    7. Acta 210
    8. Acta 209
    9. Acta 208
    10. Acta 207
    11. Acta 206
    12. Acta 205
    13. Acta 203
    14. Acta 202
    15. Acta 201
    16. Acta 200
    17. Acta 199
    18. Acta 2078
    19. Acta 2077
    20. Acta 2076
    21. Acta 2075
    22. Acta 2074
    23. Acta 2073
    24. Acta 2072
    25. Acta 2071
    26. Acta 2070
    27. Acta 2069
  3. Junta de Decanos de Colegios de Contadores Públicos del Perú - Perú - Publicaciones y noticias

    1. La Junta
    2. Tribunal Constitucional admite demanda anticonstitucional contra los OSE
    3. Decanos de Colegios de Contadores alertan del mal funcionamiento de los sistemas de la SUNAT
    4. Comisión Especial de Iniciativas Anticorrupción
    5. Estatuto 2019
    6. Reglamento de la VII Convención Nacional de Contabilidad Gubernamental y Administración Pública - GUBER 2019
    7. Resolución Directoral N° 005-2019-EF/51.01 - Oficialización de Eventos Nacionales de la Junta de Decanos 2019
  4. Kammer der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer (KSW) – Austria - Noticias

    1. Finanzamt Österreich: Steuerberater befürworten Reform und Neuorganisation der Betrugsbekämpfung
    2. Video: Was macht eigentlich ein/e Wirtschaftsprüfer/in?
    3. Täglich aktuell: Der Pressespiegel der KSW
    4. Steuerberater: Steuerreform geht in die richtige Richtung
    5. Steuerberater befürworten Modernisierung der Finanzverwaltung
    6. KSW begrüßt die heute vorgestellte Aufsichtsreform
    7. Steuerberater begrüßen Kassenreform
    8. Masterlehrgang Steuerrecht und Rechnungswesen (LL.M.) ab Oktober an der Uni Wien
  5. Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants - Países Bajos - Noticias

    1. Informatieplicht energiebesparing: welke kennis heeft u nodig als accountant?
    2. Kennis over NV NOCLAR kan beter!
    3. Open Podium Accounttech voor tech-initiatieven in de accountantssector
    4. EFAA-rapport over de waarde van een controle in het mkb
    5. IIRC werkt samen met NBA aan Integrated Thinking
    6. Afspraak met banken over verklaring bij XBRL-jaarrekening
    7. NBA bezorgd over daling aantal accountantsorganisaties met oob-vergunning
    8. Herziene versie van NBA-handreiking 1136 over Standaard 4410 inzake samenstellingsopdrachten
    9. Onderzoek rol accountant in mkb-advisering: 'Meer kansen voor accountants'
    10. Engelstalige rapportagedatabase en XBRL-instances van verklaring bij staten van banken en verzekeraars beschikbaar in Verklaringengenerator
    11. Assurance-rapport Revalidatiecentra 2018 beschikbaar
    12. Accountants + Diversiteit
    13. Oproep accountants en duurzaamheid: experts gevraagd
    14. IAASB consulteert richtlijnen inzake assurance bij uitgebreide externe rapportages
    15. Accountants en VWS bespreken (ont)regelen van de bedrijfsvoering van de zorgketen
    16. Publicatie NBA-handreikingen voor accountants bij financiële instellingen
    17. Welke accountant wilt u in het zonnetje zetten?
    18. Commissie Toekomst Accountancysector publiceert plan van aanpak en vraagt om input
    19. FRC geeft informatie over gevolgen no-deal-brexit voor accountants
    20. Kennisgroep Accounttech aan de slag met drie concrete projecten
    21. Fraude: als de omstandigheden niet direct aanleiding geven, waar moet de accountant dan op letten?
    22. Accountants gaan door met verbeteringen
    23. Studieochtend Accountantsprotocol CBM 2018 groot succes
    24. Nieuwe nadere voorschriften voor accountants per 1 januari 2019
    25. Nieuw PE-model accountants per 1 januari 2019 gefaseerd ingevoerd
  6. Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Korea - Noticias

    1. 회계감사 강화에…'실세'로 뜬 회계법인 심리실
    2. 코스닥 내부회계관리 경고등…36곳 `비적정`
    3. 정족수 간신히 채운 증권선물위원회
    4. 이준서 신임 증선위원 "건전한 자본시장 육성할 것"
    5. 자본확충 벅찬 보험사 "IFRS17 추가연기"
    6. 한공회, 거래소와 코스닥 상장법인 회계역량 제고위한 업무협약 체결
    7. 박삼구 ‘불시착’의 미스터리와 교훈
    8. '회계 쇼크'가 부른 아시아나항공 '매각' 결말
    9. "중형 회계법인 키워야...빅4 대체재 필요"
    10. "헌법소원도 불사"…신외감법에 뿔난 중소회계법인
    11. 삼정KPMG, 중소ㆍ중견기업 위한 TFT 발족
    12. 대한회계학회, ‘2019년 춘계학술대회’ 개최...“학회의 중요한 전환점 될 것”
    13. 금융위 "상장사 연중 상시감사 시스템 구현해야…공정가치·표준감사시간 기준확립"
    14. "바뀐 회계문화가 아시아나 사태 촉발…자격증 보호 감사는 피해야"
    15. BTS 가치 수조원대라는데…빅히트엔터 장부에는 ‘63억’
    16. ‘회계기준 위반’ 키위미디어, 중과실→과실 감경 처분 왜?
    17. [열린세상] 강화된 회계감사, 약인가 독인가
    18. "감사위원회 독립성 우려...감사위원 상근제·독립적 지원조직 필요”
    19. 박용진 의원 “사립대 회계감사제도 개혁하는 것이 사학개혁의 출발”
    20. 삼바 사태·바이오 감리…지난해 회계위반 제재 급증
    21. "자본시장 성숙에 필수" vs "中企에 부담, 연착륙을"
    22. 삼정KPMG, 26일 `내부회계관리제도 세미나` 개최
    23. 英경쟁당국, 이해상충 우려 '빅4' 회계법인 감사·자문 분리권고
    24. 강화된 회계감사제도, 그 의미는? - 오문성 한양여대 교수
  7. KPMG Internacional - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Auto makers are feeling the pull of ‘digital gravity’ in a rapidly changing industry 16-Apr-2019 KPMG and Egon Zehnder release a global mindset study on the status quo of digitalization.  
    2. Pricing method, services cost method eligibility under U.S. BEAT provision 15-Apr-2019 Eligibility requirements for the use of services cost method under U.S. BEAT provision  
    3. Global venture capital investment drops in Q1 2019, with Europe and the US remaining relatively strong: KPMG Enterprise 11-Apr-2019 VC deal volume in Q1 ‘19 continues to fall across all regions.  
    4. Team Spain crowned champions at the 2019 KPMG Innovation & Collaboration Challenge 11-Apr-2019 Team Spain has won the 2019 KPMG Innovation & Collaboration Challenge (KICC)  
    5. KPMG launches new online home for the KPMG brand with .kpmg domain 02-Apr-2019 The new .KPMG top-level domain is available to KPMG Member Firms corporate websites...  
    6.  KPMG Consumer Loss Barometer highlights disconnect in the event of a data breach
    7. Healthcare is “on the brink of a global workforce crisis” warns KMPG leading health expert 11-Mar-2019 KPMG's Dr Mark Britnell explores the impact of the looming shortage of health workers.  
    8. KPMG named a global ‘Leader’ in Customer Service consulting in new ALM Intelligence report 07-Mar-2019 KPMG has been named a global ‘Leader’ among Customer Service consulting providers.  
    9. KPMG ranked #2 among the top 10 leading Microsoft AI service providers in a new HFS Research report 07-Mar-2019 HFS report cites KPMG as a “critical” alliance partner with domain expertise.  
    10. Majority of Global Tech Industry Leaders Expect Silicon Valley to be Surpassed as Tech Innovation Center: KPMG Report 21-Feb-2019 New York, Beijing, Tokyo and London seen as becoming leading tech hubs.  
    11. KPMG once again tops Refinitiv’s Mid-Market M&A League Tables in 2018 15-Feb-2019 KPMG has earned this ranking for the third year in a row.  
    12. Global fintech investment rockets to a record $111.8B in 2018, driven by mega deals: KPMG Pulse of Fintech 13-Feb-2019 Fintech deal volume declined in 2H’18, reached 2,196 for the year, up from 2,165 in 2017  
    13. KPMG launches framework to help businesses gain greater confidence in their AI technologies 13-Feb-2019 City of Amsterdam uses KPMG AI In Control to govern complex algorithms.  
    14. Second KPMG Autonomous Vehicles Readiness Index ranks 25 countries on preparedness for the AV revolution 12-Feb-2019 The Netherlands tops the rankings for the second year.  
    15. KPMG Global Legal Services reports record growth as organizations seek new kinds of legal solutions 12-Feb-2019 KPMG Global Legal Services reported record growth of 30 percent in 2018.  
    16. Companies need a genomic data strategy to win the race for new products: KPMG 04-Feb-2019 Genomic data can accelerate innovation – but only if it’s secure and reliable  
    17. 2018 wraps with a record high of US$255 billion invested globally: KPMG Enterprise Venture Pulse Report 15-Jan-2019 Q4’18 venture capital investment sees second strongest quarter ever.  
    18. Auto industry entering a 'perfect storm' of change and uncertainty; not all CEOs are prepared for impact – KPMG 11-Jan-2019 No consensus on future drivetrain tech; Respondents name Toyota best for future success.  
    19. Companies borrowing more time for their lease accounting projects 10-Jan-2019 Implementation projects have proven harder and more costly than anticipated.  
    20. KPMG rated a global Leader in Corporate Services Consulting by ALM Intelligence 09-Jan-2019 KPMG recognized as a leader for Corporate Services Consulting by ALM Intelligence.  
    21. Cryptoassets - Accounting and tax
    22. Cryptoassets – Financial reporting and tax risks
    23. IFRS 17 – Fine-tuning and finalising the proposals
    24. IFRS publications | Your essential guides to interim reporting
    25. IFRS 17 – April 2019 TRG meeting summary
    26. IFRS 17 – Three more proposed amendments
    27. IBOR reform – How would the proposed relief be applied?
    28. Brexit and financial reporting - part 2
    29. Brexit and financial reporting
    30. IFRS 17 – Important amendments in the pipeline
    31. Measuring fair value – Is IFRS 13 working as intended?
    32. Assessing if a contract is onerous
    33. Investment funds – Illustrative disclosures
    34. Banks under the spotlight with new disclosures
  8. Kredittilsynet - Noruega - Noticias

    1. Marketing of funds in Norway in case of a "no-deal Brexit".
    2. EBA stress test results of European banks published
  9. Lietuvos buhalterių ir auditorių asociacija - Lituania -Noticias

    1. Verta žinoti
    2. Verta žinoti
    3. Verta žinoti
    4. Verta žinoti
    5. Verta žinoti
    6. Verta žinoti
    7. Verta žinoti
    8. Verta žinoti
  10. Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors (LCA) - Lituania - Noticias

    1. Accountancy Europe naujienlaiškis "Audito politikos naujienos. 2019 m. kovas"
    2. LAR partnerių metodinė pagalba
    3. Skirkite Lietuvos auditorių rūmams 2 proc. pajamų mokesčio
  11.   Malaysian Accounting Standards Board - Malasia - Noticias

    1. MASB expands its role in MFRS application and implementation (28 January 2019)
    2. MASB clarifies definition of ‘business’ and definition of ‘material’ (14 December 2018)
  12. Malaysian Institute of Accountants - Malasia - Noticias

    1. Welcome Address by Yang Berusaha Encik Salihin Abang, President, Malaysian Institute of Accountants at Malaysian Tax Conference 2019
    2. Session 2: Accountancy: A career for Your Future by Mr Leong Mun Foong
    3. Session 3: Process audit on subsequent events and after balance sheets by Cik Fauziah Begum Najibullah Khan
    4. Accountancy: A Career for Your Future by Ms Peggy Chek Hong Kim
    5. Accountancy: A Career for Your Future by Cik Hasmida Ismail
    6. Attitude to be a good Chartered Accountants and challenging career as auditor in IR 4.0 by Cik Fauziah Begum Najibullah Khan
    7. Session 3: Updates on Auditing Standards by Ms Katharene Expedit
    8. Address by Yang Berusaha Encik Salihin Abang, President, Malaysian Institute of Accountants at The Governance Symposium 2019 – Building a Governance Eco-system
    9. Session 3: Professional Auditing by Mr Leong Mun Foong
    10. MIA Supports Government's Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme
    11. NACRA 2020 To Introduce New Assessment Framework
    12. Session 2: Chartered Accountant’s Relevant Experience (CARE) Programme
  13. Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Malasia - Noticias

    1. April 2019
    2. March 2019
    3. February 2019
    4. January 2019
    5. December 2018
  14. Malta Institute of Accountants - Malta - Noticias

    1. The BIG picture of SMEs and Sole Practitioners – A study
    2. Drivers of the Digital Era: Stay Ahead of the Competition
  15.  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Contract of Guarantee for Non-Shareholder Loans
    2. Contract of Guarantee for Equity Investments
