1. Autoridades públicas - Colombia - Legislación

    1. Departamento Nacional de Planeación Resolución 0526 por la cual se establecen los lineamientos técnicos para las estrategias de superación de la pobreza que formulen las entidades territoriales en sus planes de desarrollo
    2. Decreto 0633 Por el cual se adoptan medidas y se fija el procedimiento para garantizar la continuidad en el aseguramiento y la prestación del servicio público de salud en el Régimen Subsidiado del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud.
  2. Congreso de la República - Colombia - Legislación, proyectos de ley, noticias

    5. Senador Bernardo Elías pide mayor atención al sector algodonero de la Costa Atlántica
    6. Empobrecimiento de los cafeteros denunciaron senadores liberales
    7. Informe de Objeción al Proyecto de ley 066 de 2011 Cámara, 280 de 2011 Senado por medio de la cual se establece un marco general para la libranza o descuento directo y se dictan otras disposiciones.
    8. Proyecto de Ley 206 de 2012 Cámara por medio de la cual se crea y reglamenta la profesión de Valuador y se dictan otras disposiciones. 
    9. Informe de Ponencia Para Primer debate al Proyecto de Ley 176 de 2011 Cámara, 18 de 2011 Senado INFORME DE PONENCIA PARA PRIMER DEBATE (TERCER DEBATE) DEL PROYECTO DE LEY NÚMERO 176 DE 2011 CÁMARA, 18 DE 2011 SENADO por medio de la cual se expide el Estatuto de Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional y se dictan otras disposiciones.
    10. Informe de Ponencia Segundo Debate Proyecto de Ley 150 de 2011 Senado por la cual se fomenta la actividad cinematográfica en Colombia. 
    11. Concepto Jurídico del Ministerio del Trabajo al Proyecto de Ley 41 de 2011 Senado por medio de la cual se modifica la Ley 278 de 1996, facultando al Senado de la República para fijar el salario mínimo legal y se dictan otras disposiciones.
    12. Concepto Jurídico MinProtección Social al proyecto de ley 90 de 2011 Senado, 002 de 2010 Cámara por la cual se dictan normas sobre la operación y funcionamiento de establecimientos que prestan el servicio de videojuegos y se dictan otras disposiciones. 
    13. Informe de Ponencia Segundo Debate Proyecto de Ley 197 de 2012 Cámara, 201 de 2012 Senado por medio de la cual se implementan compromisos adquiridos por virtud del “Acuerdo de Promoción Comercial, suscrito entre la República de Colombia y los Estados Unidos de América y su “Protocolo modificatorio, en el marco de la política de comercio exterior e integración económica”.
    14. Informe de Ponencia Para Primer debate al Proyecto de Ley 175 de 2011 Senado por medio de la cual se aprueba el “Proyecto de enmienda del convenio constitutivo del Fondo Monetario para reforzar la representación y la participación en el Fondo Monetario Internacional”, adoptado el 28 de marzo de 2008 y aprobado por la Junta de Gobernadores mediante Resolución 63-2, adoptada el 28 de abril de 2008, y el “Proyecto de enmienda del convenio constitutivo del Fondo Monetario Internacional para ampliar las facultades de inversión del Fondo Monetario Internacional”, adoptado el 7 de abril de 2008 y aprobado por la Junta de Gobernadores mediante la Resolución 63-3, adoptada el 5 de mayo de 2008. 
    15. Proyecto de Ley 203 de 2012 Cámara por medio de la cual se despenaliza la siembra y cultivos de la mata de coca, marihuana y otras plantas que producen sustancias psicoactivas.
    16. Proyecto de Ley 208 de 2012 Senado por medio de la cual se desarrolla en la estructura tarifaria del servicio público domiciliario de aseo el componente de aprovechamiento y se dictan otras disposiciones.
    17. Proyecto de Ley 209 de 2012 Senado por el cual se exige la presencia de cargos profesionales sin la exigencia de la experiencia en las entidades del Estado.
    18. Informe de Ponencia Segundo Debate Proyecto de Ley 74 de 2011 Senado por medio de la cual se modifica la Ley 769 de 2002 y se dictan otras disposiciones. 
  3. Contaduría General de la Nación - Colombia - Legislación, doctrina

  4. Federación Nacional de Comerciantes FENALCO - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Representante legal no puede delegar su asistencia a una reunión del máximo órgano social
    2. Hacen seguimiento a beneficiarios de Ley de formalización y generación de empleo
    3. Colombia hace llamado a Argentina para un comercio sin restricciones
    4. Colombia y Ecuador definen nuevos temas de la agenda bilateral- Mincomercio
    5. Facultades extraordinarias en Ley 1444 de 2011 son acordes a la Constitución
    6. Alcance de la permanencia mínima en los servicios de comunicaciones
    7. Integración comercial al interior de la CAN es un hecho- Mincomercio
    8. Alcances del derecho de inspección en archivos electrónicos
    9. Certificados de tradición y libertad se podrán obtener en cualquier oficina de instrumentos públicos del país
    10. Resuelven objeciones presidenciales al proyecto de Ley de libranza
    11. Lanzan campaña para sensibilizar al sector empresarial sobre el lavado de activos
    12. Hoy se debate proyecto de Ley de infracciones administrativas en materia de transporte
    13. Algunas características en la capitalización de acreencias
    14. Colombia participa en la 313ª versión del Consejo de Administración de la OIT
    15. Adelantan mini ronda de negociaciones para el TLC con Corea
    16. Superfinanciera alista norma para proteger a los consumidores financieros
    17. Avanza proyecto de Ley que permitirá modernizar la organización y el funcionamiento de los municipios
    18. Superindustria reitera cuidados en publicidad engañosa
    19. En el 2012, innovación y emprendimiento dinámico serán apoyados con $69.000 millones de pesos
  5. International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Internacional - Documentos, noticias y discursos

    1. Fiscal Policies and Rules in the Face of Revenue Volatility Within Southern Africa Customs Union Countries (SACU)
    2. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde Emphasizes U.S. Role in Global Economy
    3. Real Wage, Labor Productivity, and Employment Trends in South Africa- A Closer Look
    4. Narrowing Vertical Fiscal Imbalances in Four European Countries
    5. Commodity Prices and Inflation Expectations in the United States
    6. Accounting Devices and Fiscal Illusions
    7. Revisiting Risk-Weighted Assets
    8. Spillover Effects of Exchange Rates- A Study of the Renminbi
    9. Fiscal policy in advanced economies- fiscal adjustment, efficiency and growth
    10. Institutional Transformations, Polity and Economic Outcomes- Testing the North-Wallis-Weingast Doorsteps Framework
    11. "Fiscal Devaluation" and Fiscal Consolidation- The VAT in Troubled Times
    12. Global Food Price Inflation and Policy Responses in Central Asia
    13. Assessing DSGE Models with Capital Accumulation and Indeterminacy
    14. Institutions, Informality, and Wage Flexibility- Evidence from Brazil
    15. Determinants of Corporate Investment in China- Evidence from Cross-Country Firm Level Data
    16. Trade and Financial Spillover on Hong Kong SAR from a Downturn in Europe and Mainland China
    17. Fiscal Policy Response to External Crises The Case of Moldova 1998-2010
    18. The Global Welfare Impact of China- Trade Integration and Technological Change
    19. CDS Spreads in European Periphery - Some Technical Issues to Consider
    20. Macrofinance Model of the Czech Economy- Asset Allocation Perspective
    21. Strengthening Russia's Fiscal Framework
    22. De-monopolization Toward Long-Term Prosperity in China
    23. BRICs' Philosophies for Development Financing and Their Implications for LICs
  6. International Organization for Standarization (ISO) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. ISO standards veteran receives Russian honour
    2. ISO standards to help measure noisy seas
    3. ISO Focus+ magazine puts spotlight on services
    4. Turning waste into gold with new ISO standard for environmental management accounting
    5. Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) becomes an ISO standard
    6. Take part in the World Standards Day 2012 poster competition!
  7. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. The Monitoring Group Publishes a Consultation Paper on Its Governance Review
    2. IOSCO Publishes Updated Systemic Risk Data Requirements for Hedge Funds
    3. IOSCO Consults on Exchange Traded Funds Regulation
  8. International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Comunicado de prensa- En su nuevo Informe sobre el clima, la Comisión de la Banda Ancha confirma que la tecnología es fundamental para un futuro con bajas emisiones de carbono
    2. Comunicado de prensa- La Comisión de la Banda Ancha para el Desarrollo Digital de las Naciones Unidas nombra a ocho nuevos Comisarios
    3. Aviso a la prensa- ITU Telecom World 2012 reúne a los principales actores de las TIC y prepara el terreno para el cambio global
    4. Comunicado- El sistema de las Naciones Unidas colabora en la eliminación de los desechos electrónicos
  9. Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Japón - Noticias

    1. Comments on the Exposure Draft of "Reporting on the Long-Term Sustainability of a Public Sector Entity's Finances"
    2. Survey results of audit engagements of financial statements reported
    3. Special Lecture Meeting to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the founding of the Japan Foundation for Accounting Education and Learning (JFAEL) was successful
  10. Junta Central de Contadores - Colombia - Noticias

    1. acta1872
    2. acta 1871
  11. Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut van Registeraccountants - Países Bajos - Noticias

    1. 21 maart 2012 Accountant, hoe verder- Online meepraten over de agenda van de toekomst
  12. Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Korea - Noticias

    1. Korean companies urged to upgrade CSR
  13. KPMG Internacional - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Businesses lagging in effective VAT/GST management practices: KPMG International
    2. KPMG urges IASB to maintain a sharp focus on insurance
    3. Tax remains a major obstacle to implementation of UCITS IV in European Union
    4. KPMG Report- Tech-savvy Baby Boomers to Drive Demand for Ehealth
    5. Global business confidence rebounds at start of 2012
    6. Emerging Technologies Expected to Increase Revenue Leakage among Telecom Providers
    7. KPMG ranked international Sustainable Firm of the Year
    8. KPMG forms alignment to expand capabilities in Mongolia
    9. Consumer Industry M&A Recovery Slows as Euro Zone Crisis Hits Confidence- KPMG report
    10. Chan Foucher LeFebvre joins KPMG LLP
    11. Budget 2012 positions Canada for fiscal sustainability
    12. Changing the way Canadians Pay
    13. Moncton leads the pack as most cost competitive city for business in Canada
    14. Atlantic Canada leads the country with the most cost competitive region for business
    15. Ontario cities outperform global counterparts in being cost competitive for business
    16. Montréal leads the pack as the city with the lowest business costs among North America’s
    17. Saskatoon among the most cost competitive in Western Canada
    18. Vancouver leads the pack as the most cost competitive for business on the West Coast
    19. Winnipeg the most cost competitive in Western Canada
    20. Car sector buoyant in buyers’ market, says KPMG
    21. Thomson Aero sold to MB Aerospace
    22. ‘Smartphone and tablet popularity brings maturity to mobile payment marketplace’ says KPMG
    23. ‘Going back to the future is a thing of the past’, says KPMG
    24. Orders up but UK construction sector still on shaky ground, says KPMG
    25. CFOs shift their focus in response to recession
    26. Manufacturers learn valuable lesson in cash management, says KPMG survey
    27. British manufacturing faring well despite talks of double-dip, says KPMG
    28. Tech-savvy Baby Boomers drive demand for electronic health systems
    29. Short term fixes fail to tackle the wider challenges facing the UK High Street, warns KPMG
    30. Worldspreads special administration update- final client statements issued
    31. Businesses falling short on VAT management practices, says KPMG survey
    32. KPMG’s year end tax checklist
    33. £73 billion UK fraud figure 'highlights the extent of threat', says KPMG
    34. KPMG urges IASB to maintain a sharp focus on insurance
    35. ‘Health services can do even more to help sustainability’, says KPMG
    36. Demand for legal advice increases as businesses look for ‘wriggle room’ with suppliers, says KPMG
    37. Telecom operators- Shift to mobile commerce increases threat of revenue leakage and fraud, warns global KPMG report
    38. UK retailers rise to the Portas challenge
    39. KPMG welcomes simplification of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (“CRC”) Energy Efficiency Scheme
    40. Key Solvency II milestone reached today as Omnibus 2 gets stamp of approval
    41. Budget 2012- Reduced chance of doom, slightly less gloom but certainly no boom
    42. Budget 2012- Hope for more airport capacity in South East, says KPMG
    43. Budget 2012- Limited light relief offered for distressed UK businesses
    44. Budget 2012- Bank levy up for the fourth time
    45. Budget 2012- General Anti-Avoidance Rule faces early test
    46. Budget 2012- UK jumps up the EU’s Corporate Tax rate rankings as headline rate cut to 24 percent
    47. Budget 2012- Chancellor signals green light for city growth, says KPMG
    48. Budget 2012- SMEs – Chancellor lifts the mood
    49. Budget 2012- Gambling – Treasury shortens odds on UK tax collection
    50. KPMG and Apptio Form Business Alliance to Offer Comprehensive IT Solution
    51. LPGA Champion Stacy Lewis to Join Phil Mickelson on KPMG Team
    52. Survey Finds Optimism High Among U.S. Manufacturing And Service Executives
    53. KPMG, Golf Champion Phil Mickelson Pair for Charitable Campaign to Provide Thousands of Books to Children in Need
    54. Oklahoma City, Nashville Ranked Most Cost-Attractive Business Locations Among Mid-Sized U.S. Cities- KPMG Study
    55. Cincinnati Ranked Lowest-Cost Business Location Among Large U.S. Cities; Atlanta Close At Second- KPMG Study
  14. Kredittilsynet - Noruega - Noticias

    1. Risk outlook 2012- Many households vulnerable if interest rates increase
  15. Malaysian Institute of Accountants - Malasia - Noticias

    1. Malaysian Institute Of Accountants To Continously Work With Government To Achieve ETP Targets
    2. Courtesy Call On The Office Of The Minister Of Higher Education Malaysia
    3. PAIB Symposium Addresses Challenges & Opportunities Facing Accountants In An Ever Changing Market Place
  16. Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Malasia - Noticias

    1. The CPA e-Newsline, March 2012
  17. Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Definen nuevos temas de desarrollo para zona bananera del Magdalena
    2. Avanza agenda de trabajo para afianzar a Santa Marta como destino de talla mundial
    3. Mincomercio aportará el 30% del costo para centro de convenciones de Valledupar
    4. A un paso centro de interpretación de la cultura Arhuaca
    5. Termina mini ronda de negociaciones para un TLC con Corea del Sur
    6. Colombia exhorta a Argentina a eliminar medidas restrictivas a las importaciones de productos nacionales
    7. Mincomercio lidera sostenibilidad de los sectores de transformación productiva
    8. Colombia y Ecuador definen nuevos temas de la agenda bilateral
    9. Colombia batió record en inversión extranjera- creció 92%
    10. Colombia se adhiere a acuerdo de la OMC sobre tecnologías
    11. Integración Comercial al interior de la CAN es un hecho- Ministro Diaz-Granados
    12. V mini ronda de negociaciones para un TLC con Corea del Sur
    13. Plan portuario y aumento del techo industrial, ventajas de Barranquilla para enfrentar los TLC
    14. 48 rutas Vive Colombia dispuestas para la Semana Mayor
    15. Más de 700 empresas asisten a Cumbre Andina en Guayaquil
    16. TLC con EE.UU- casi todo lo que producen el Valle se puede exportar a EE.UU
    17. Pereira, con capacidad de ampliar a ocho sus rutas aéreas
  18. Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público - Colombia - Noticias y legislación

    1. Colombia Telecomunicaciones y Telefónica Móviles Colombia adelantan trámites para fusionarse
  19. National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. NASBA Releases 2011 Uniform CPA Examination- Candidate Performance
    2. Release of Peer Review Oversight reports
  20. National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) - Tanzania - Noticias

    1. Guidelines of recommended titles for Accounting and Auditing Personnel  issued by NBAA April 2010
  21. New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants - Nueva Zelanda - Noticias

    1. Megaupload case cloudy
    2. A career in beer
    3. Important ICAA/NZICA collaboration...
  22. Norwegian Accounting Standards Board (NASB) - Noruega - Noticias

    1. Høringsutkast endringer immaterielle eiendeler
  23. Ordre des Experts Comptables - Francia - Noticias

    1. Sic Newsletter n° 112 - 3 avril 2012
    2. Sic Newsletter n° 111 - 28 mars 2012
    3. Sic Newsletter n° 110 - 21 mars 2012
    4. Sic Newsletter n° 109 - 14 mars 2012
    5. Sic Newsletter n° 108 - 7 mars 2012
  24. Organismo Italiano di contabilità (OIC) - Italia - Noticias

    1. Commenti OIC sul documento dell’OIV – Impairment test dell’avviamento in contesti di crisi finanziaria e reale – Linee guida
    2. Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG draft comment letter su IASB ED Revenue from Contracts with Customers
    3. Pubblicata la Direttiva 2012/6/UE che modifica la direttiva 78/660/CEE con riferimento alle microentità
    4. Pubblicata newsletter internazionale di febbraio
    5. Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG endorsement advices su IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IFRS 12, IAS 27 e IAS 28
    6. IASB pubblica Amendments to IFRS 1 – Government Loans
    7. Commenti OIC sull’EFRAG draft endorsement advice on the Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to IAS 32 and IFRS 7)
    8. Commenti OIC sullo IASB ED Transition Guidance (Proposed amendments to IFRS 10)
  25. Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Según Lamy, “Bangladesh puede contar con el apoyo de la OMC para el logro de sus objetivos de desarrollo”
    2. El Comité de Contratación Pública adopta el Acuerdo revisado
    3. Colombia se adhiere al Acuerdo sobre Tecnología de la Información de la OMC
    4. Seminario de la OMC sobre los tipos de cambio y el comercio
    5. “Necesitamos un sistema monetario internacional que facilite el comercio internacional” — Lamy
    6. Los reglamentos sobre salud pública siguen siendo prioritarios en los programas de los Miembros
    7. Las exportaciones mundiales de servicios comerciales registraron una marcada desaceleración en el cuarto trimestre de 2011 según la OMC y la UNCTAD
    8. Los cambios que afectan al comercio plantean un desafío al modo en que gestionamos las políticas comerciales, señala Lamy en el Instituto Japonés de Asuntos Internacionales
    9. La OMC y la OCDE elaborarán estadísticas sobre el comercio medido en función del valor añadido
    10. La OMC crea una nueva base de datos sobre los arreglos comerciales preferenciales
  26. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Tax evasion- Pressure to end tax evasion grows as the Global Forum publishes new reviews
    2. Quarterly National Accounts - Contributions to GDP growth - Fourth quarter 2011, OECD
    3. Development- Aid to developing countries falls because of global recession
    4. Improving corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa - OECD conference and report, 10 April 2012
    5. Consumer Prices, OECD - Updated- 3 April 2012
    6. OECD’s Gurría welcomes Eurogroup measures to protect euro area economies
    7. UK increases enforcement of foreign bribery, but concerns remain about transparency and resources
    8. Hungary has improved legal framework for fighting foreign bribery, but must do more to detect and prosecute
    9. Economy- US and Europe facing separate growth tracks, says OECD
    10. Slovak Republic should help preschool teachers improve their skills, says OECD
    11. Economy- Further reform needed to raise growth prospects in Poland
    12. Economy- Bigger euro bailout fund needed to create space to boost growth, OECD says
    13. Tax- OECD to simplify transfer pricing rules
    14. Finland should boost staff skills to improve its early childhood education and care services, says OECD
    15. Education- OECD launches creative education project to help revitalise Japan's Tohoku region
    16. OECD Secretary-General Gurría condemns attack in Toulouse
    17. OECD and WTO to start measuring trade in value-added as production chains globalise
    18. Environment- Act now or face costly consequences, warns OECD
    19. OECD calls for new approach to tackle teacher shortage
    20. G20 Quarterly Gross Domestic Product, fourth quarter 2011, OECD
    21. Hungary must stabilise its economy for a durable recovery, OECD says
    22. Harmonised Unemployment Rates (HURs), OECD - Updated- March 2012
    23. Agriculture- More effective action needed to cut water pollution from farming
    24. Composite Leading Indicators (CLIs), OECD, March 2012
    25. Kyrgyz Republic should build on popular support to stamp out corruption
    26. Uzbekistan should strengthen fight against corruption
  27. Presidencia de la República - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Gobierno invierte $40 mil millones para atender emergencia por lluvias en Norte de Santander
    2. Gobierno y comunidad establecieron 34 compromisos en el Acuerdo para la Prosperidad número 68
    3. ‘Ningún país del mundo puede decir que creó más de 1 millón 500 mil empleos, como ocurrió en Colombia’
    4. Trabajo del Congreso en el proyecto sobre el fuero militar ha sido responsable y diligente
    5. En marcha plan de contingencia para atender efectos de la temporada de lluvias del 2012
    6. Entre febrero del 2011 y febrero del 2012 se crearon en Colombia 1 millón 115 mil empleos nuevos
    7. Notarios ayudarán a cumplirles a las víctimas del desplazamiento y el despojo de tierras
    8. Nuevos recursos por $300 mil millones para obras por ola invernal
    9. Gobierno Nacional financiará el 100% de la vivienda prioritaria a los damnificados por el fenómeno de La Niña 2010–2011
    10. Gobierno prevé incorporar 350 mil familias al servicio de gas natural este año
    11. Colombia cuenta con reservas suficientes de gas hasta 2017
    12. Región Caribe recibirá este año $2,7 billones en regalías
    13. Este año se invertirán $1,2 billones en las seis concesiones viales del Caribe colombiano
    14. Gobierno identificó 53 acciones prioritarias para la implementación del TLC con Estados Unidos
    15. Acuerdo comercial con Estados Unidos permitirá generar 500 mil empleos en cinco años
    16. Para Colombia, el TLC con los Estados Unidos significa más Prosperidad para Todos
    17. Financial Times destacó economía colombiana y liderazgo del país en libre comercio
    18. Por primera vez, serie radial ‘From the Top’ grabará un programa por fuera de EEUU con jóvenes músicos colombianos
    19. Gobierno fortalecerá redes de apoyo ciudadano para luchar contra la delincuencia
    20. Abatidos 32 guerrilleros de las Farc en Vistahermosa, Meta
  28. PricewaterhouseCoopers - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Global T&L industry must transform to attract talent, says PwC report
    2. Cybercrime a growing threat to the financial services sector – PwC report
    3. PwC Welcomes Financial Stability Board Participation in Efforts to Enhance Role of External Audit
    4. Talent - a potential game changer for Chinese companies
    5. PwC Chairman Expresses Confidence in Japan's Future, Cautious Optimism on Global Growth Outlook
    6. Exciting Times Ahead for Booming Global Metals M&A, Says PwC
    7. US tax- IRS confirms treatment of certain foreign asset reporting scenarios
    8. International assignments- Quarterly regional tax round-up (Mar 2012)
    9. Immigration Newsletter (Mar 2012)
    10. IFRS / HKFRS News (Mar 2012)
    11. US tax- IRS confirms treatment of certain foreign asset reporting scenarios
    12. Hong Kong Tax News- Hong Kong launches Advance Pricing Arrangement programme
    13. 10Minutes- Commentary on Premier Wen Jiabao's 2012 government work report
    14. China Tax News- Tightening forex control on overseas equity incentive plans
    15. Customers take control- How the multi-channel shopper is changing the global retail landscape
    16. Hong Kong Tax News- Tax deduction on recharge of share-based payments
    17. China supports globalisation of home-grown company through first outbound Advance Pricing Arrangement
    18. The new digital tipping point- Banking survey on driving customer value through digital
    19. Archived webcast- Achieve sustainable financial and operational benefits during business transformation
    20. 15th Annual Global CEO Survey - China- transforming value for growth
    21. Les introductions en bourse reprennent au premier trimestre 2012
    22. Les investisseurs sont plus exigeants en matière de capital-investissement responsable
    23. Hong Kong Tax News- Hong Kong launches Advance Pricing Arrangement programme
    24. Flash News- Entwurf zur Neukonzeption der Investmentbesteuerung in Deutschland
    25. Flash News- Draft for the revision of the German investment taxation
    26. Flash News- Imposition des travailleurs frontaliers allemands – Applications pratiques
    27. Flash News- Klarstellende Rundschreiben der Luxemburger Steuerbehörden hinsichtlich der Besteuerung deutscher Grenzgänger
    28. Las cuatro torres de Madrid apagarán sus luces de forma simbólica contra el cambio climático
    29. La compra online será el área que más crecerá en las redes sociales en España en los próximos años
    30. El sector hotelero espera mantener la ocupación del año pasado y modera sus expectativas de recuperación
    31. La crisis macroeconómica y la escasez de crédito, principales riesgos del sector bancario en los próximos dos años
    32. La presión regulatoria sobre las entidades bancarias y su necesidad de desprenderse de activos no estratégicos marcarán el futuro del sector
    33. IPO first quarter activity to kickstart 2012 comeback
    34. First apprentice graduates from social enterprise hub test their skills with PM
    35. Commenting on the digital switch over, Simon Harris, director in PwC's valuations team, said-
    37. PwC partners appointed Nominees in first application for Decree No.57 restructuring
    38. PwC- Twin peaks regulatory model will bring profound changes
    40. Announcement of the sale of GAME UK
    41. QinetiQ deficit reduction deal successful because of overall package of measures – say QinetiQ Corporate Pension advisers PwC
    42. PwC celebrates yet another win as top graduate employer
    43. Talent crisis threatening business growth and economic prosperity say CEOs
    44. Transportation & Logistics industry is just not ‘hip’ enough to attract talent, PwC report says
    45. Employers’ Liability Policy Trigger Litigation – Supreme Court Judgment
    46. Cybercrime a growing threat to the financial services sector – PwC report
    47. The GAME Group plc, Game Stores Group Limited, Gameplay (GB) Limited, Game (Stores) Limited, Games Station Limited, Game (retail) Limited, Gamestation Limited (in administration) - Update
    48. PwC analysis and comment on solar FIT court judgement
    49. Budget- Wealthy individuals face tax hike and continuing uncertainty, says PwC
    50. Budget- Income tax and NIC harmonisation
    51. Budget- PwC comments on the Statutory Residence Test
    52. Budget- PwC comments on the employment law implications of relaxing Sunday trading laws during Olympics and Paralympics
    53. Budget- PwC comments on the £130m rail investment for the North
    54. Budget- PwC comments on oil & gas tax changes
    55. Budget - PwC comments on impact for small to medium sized businesses
    56. Budget- PwC comments on corporate tax reforms
    57. Budget- PwC comments on carbon price support rates
    58. Budget- PwC comments on closure of VAT loopholes - sandwich chains, supermarkets and property owners all hit by VAT clampdown
    59. Budget- PwC comments on the announcement of an aerodynamics centre
    60. Budget- PwC comments on General Anti Avoidance Rule
    61. Budget- PwC head of public sector comments
    62. Budget- PwC comments on the tax relief for the video games, animation and high-end television production sectors
    63. Budget- PwC comments on the Carbon Reduction Commitment
    64. 10Minutes on business continuity management
    65. 10Minutes on the CEO agenda 2012
    66. Risk in review 2012
    67. Flashline 2012-14
    68. Questions that shareholders may ask at 2012 annual meetings
    69. In brief- President Obama signs JOBS Act- IPO on-ramp takes effect
    70. Key tax accounting considerations of further reductions to the United Kingdom's main corporate tax rate
    71. Raising your digital IQ- PwC's 4th Annual Digital IQ Survey
    72. PwC 2012 State of the Internal Audit Profession Study
    73. Gaps in the Apps- Why the Traditional Security Lifecycle No Longer Works
    74. Practical tip 2012-01- Disclosing total comprehensive income in condensed consolidating financial information and parent company-only financial information
    75. 2012 US financial services M&A insights- Balancing uncertainty and opportunity
    76. Understanding how US online shoppers are reshaping the retail experience
    77. The Case for Risk-Based Due Diligence- A practical approach to a complex problem
    78. FS Regulatory Brief- Swap Data Reporting- Ready to Deliver-
    79. US technology M&A insights- Analysis and trends in US technology merger & acquisition activity 2012
    80. Intersections- Transportation and logistics industry merger & acquisitions
    81. Transportation & Logistics 2030 Vol.5- Winning the talent race
    82. Health Insurance Exchange Final Rules- Moving ahead to 2014
    83. Risk in review 2012- Rethinking risk management for new market realities
    84. Meeting Great Expectations in Due Diligence
    85. 2011 US Asset Management reward and talent management survey
    86. Storing Entertainment Content in the Cloud
    87. Flashline 2012-13
    88. If They're Happy, Do You Know It- The CIO's Agenda in Improving Customer Centricity at Financial Institutions
    89. FS Regulatory Brief- CCAR 2012- Analysis of results
    90. Metals deals- Forging Ahead 2012 Outlook and 2011 Review
    91. Setting the standard -- What you need to know about the FASB and IASB's projects -- March 2012
    92. Corporate divestitures from strategy to execution - Four guiding principles to optimize
    93. No wires attached- Changes and trends in the North American wireless industry - A survey for 2011
    94. Fighting economic crime in the financial services sector
    95. Do investors care about sustainability- Seven trends provide clues
    96. Forging ahead- Metals industry merger & acquisition activity, Q4 2011
    97. In brief- JOBS Act takes one step closer to becoming law
  29. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. March 20, 2012 Investor Advisory Group PCAOB Investor Advisory Group to Meet March 28
    2. March 16, 2012 PCAOB Staff Phoebe Brown Named Secretary of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
  30. Securities and Exchange Comission (SEC) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. 2012-53 SEC Seeks Comment on Investor Testing Regarding Target Date Retirement Funds 
    2. 2012-52 U.S. and Canadian Securities Regulators Discuss Closer Cooperation on Cross-Border Oversight 
    3. 2012-49 SEC Establishes New Supervisory Cooperation Arrangements with Foreign Counterparts 
    4. 2012-47 Availability of Staff Analysis of Market Data Related to Credit Default Swap Transactions 
    5. Report on the Implementation of SEC Organizational Reform Recommendations
    6. Why Seniors Are More Vulnerable Now As Targets for Financial Abuse
    7. Remarks at the SIFMA C&L Conference
    8. Remarks at the 2012 Mutual Funds and Investment Management Conference
    9. Public Statement by SEC Staff- Commission Credits Individual Under Cooperation Initiative
    10. Investor Protection is Needed for True Capital Formation
    11. Remarks at the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) Annual Convention
    12. Keynote Address at PLI - Eleventh Annual Institute on Securities Regulation in Europe
    13. Testimony Concerning "International Harmonization of Wall Street Reform- Orderly Liquidation, Derivatives, and the Volcker Rule"
    14. Testimony Concerning Indemnification of Security-Based Swap Data Repositories
  31. Smartpros - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. FASB Will Take Another Look at Repo Accounting
    2. Corporate Governance- New Era and Sarbanes-Oxley Legacy
    3. Financial Services Firms- Governance, Regulations, Valuations, Mergers, and Acquisitions
    4. NACD Opposes PCAOB's Proposed Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation
    5. FAF Publishes Learning Guide for the FASB Accounting Standards Codification Research System
  32. Society of Actuaries (SOA) - Estados Unidos de América - Noticias

    1. Insurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients
    2. Retirement concerns rise, but planning doesn't keep up
    3. Actuary and financial planner Joe Tomlinson talks about retirement planning
  33. Society of Actuaries in Ireland - Irlanda - Noticias

    1. Economic & financial dataset
    2. CERA Treaty Board approves Thought Leader and Verifiable Experienced Practitioner application
    3. Solvency II- vote on Omnibus II postponed to July 2012
  34. Society of Management Accountants of Canada - Canadá - Noticias

    1. > Finalists announced for Award of Excellence for Comptrollership in the Public Sector
    2. > Budget 2012- CMA Canada commends Government of Canada for addressing innovation and commercialization
    3. > Québec government introduces legislation to unite CA, CMA and CGA Orders
    4. > StFX BBA Major in Accounting & Honours in Accounting programs accredited by CMA Canada
  35. South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) - Sudáfrica - Noticias

    1. 200 matriculants use their holidays to improve their Mathematics skills at a Thuthuka camp
    2. What does dividends tax mean for business-
    3. Prospective chartered accountants offer hope to SA’s professional skills shortage
    4. SA GAAP to be withdrawn
    5. Solvency Assessment and Management effective date moved to 1 January 2015
  36. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Por información engañosa, superintendencia de industria y comercio (sic) sanciona a "revertrex", producto del cual es imagen la actriz Amparo Grisales
    2. Proyecto de circular externa - Roaming Internacional
    3. La SIC ordena suspender una cerca eléctrica que generaba riesgos para los habitantes de un conjunto residencial
    4. ¿Cómo deben ser compensados los usuarios por las fallas en los servicios de telecomunicaciones-
    5. Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio es nominada como "Mejor Autoridad de Competencia en América"
    6. Superintendente de Industria y Comercio celebra con resultados el día internacional del consumidor
    7. En menos de 6 horas, Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio está decidiendo medidas cautelares
  37. Superintendencia de Notariado y Registro - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Congreso de la República aprobó en tercer debate Estatuto Registral
  38. Superintendencia de Puertos y Transporte - Colombia - Noticias

    1. La Superintendencia de Puertos y Transporte y la UIAF, unen esfuerzos con el objetivo de brindar herramientas que permitan prevenir el lavado de activos y la posible financiación al terrorismo, en empresas de carga Terrestre, publica la circular 006 del 29 de marzo de 2012, que modifica los numerales 2 y 9.1 de la circular 0011 del 25 noviembre 2011 y que amplia el plazo para la implementación del SIPLAFT y la correspondiente entrega de los reportes, hasta máximo el 31 de mayo de 2012 .
  39. Superintendencia de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios - Colombia - Noticias

    1. Empresas prestadoras de 642 municipios del país no reportan planes de contingencia
  40. Superintendencia de Sociedades - Colombia - Doctrina

    1. El revisor fiscal podrá suscribir el acta de la reunión del máximo órgano social, si quien es designado como presidente omite el deber de firmarla
    2. Tratamiento contable de las utilidades no reclamadas sobre las que se declara la prescripción extintiva por el vencimiento legal para su cobro
    3. 220-016491 De la vinculación del revisor fiscal 
    4. 220-016485 No resulta jurídica, ni contablemente viable la dación en pago con acciones de la sociedad acreedora. 
    5. 220-016473 Los dividendos hacen parte del pasivo externo de la sociedad desde el momento en que son decretados por el máximo órgano social 
    6. 220-016468 Fijación de honorarios al representante legal  Giro ordinario de los negocios sociales  Préstamos a los asociados y empleados 
    7. 220-016466 Capacidad de las sociedades integrantes de Grupo Empresarial- Tratamiento contable en procesos de escisión.
    8. 220-013659 Alcances del derecho de inspección
  41. Superintendencia de Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada - Colombia - Noticias

  42. Superintendencia Financiera - Colombia - Legislación y noticias

    1. Asamblea General 2012 de la Asociación de Depósitos Centrales de Valores de América – Acsda -
    2. Un enfoque de supervisión integral: aciertos y defectos
    3. Superfinanciera certifica el Interés Bancario Corriente para la modalidad de crédito de consumo y ordinario
    4. Circular Externa 008 (Marzo 28). Adiciona instrucciones relacionadas con los Anexos 1 y 2 del Capítulo XXI de la Circular Básica Contable y Financiera. Anexos
    5. Circular Externa 007 (Marzo 22). Deroga proformas y formatos con el fin de suprimir trámites innecesarios
    6. Circular Externa 006 (Marzo 16). Crea el Capítulo Décimo Sexto del Título Primero de la Circular Básica Jurídica de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, relacionado con la proveeduría de precios para valoración de las inversiones de las entidades vigiladas. Anexo
  43. Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority - Suecia - Noticias

    1. FI has presented in a report to the Government the measures taken to encourage more companies to increase the reporting of suspected money laundering to the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Swedish National Police Board
  44. The CPA Journal - Estados Unidos de América - Artículos

    1. The IASB’s Convergence Program, the Prospects for Global Standards, and the Challenges for Emerging Economies
    2. Publisher’s Column- A Partner in the Profession and in the Classroom
    3. Concerns About the PCAOB’s Release on Possible Revisions to the Auditor’s Reports
    4. The Case Against Non-CPA Ownership
    5. Maximizing the Value of a Risk-Based Audit Plan- Internal Auditors Can Identify and Mitigate Risk
    6. Foreign Currency Forward Contracts and Cash Flow Hedging- Managing the Foreign Exchange Risk
    7. CPAs’ and CFOs’ Perceptions Regarding Principles-Based Versus Rules-Based Accounting Standards
    8. Restructuring the Accounting Rules for Restructuring Charges-- IFRS Versus U.S. GAAP
    9. An Update on New Tax Law Changes- 2011 Tax Return Preparation and Strategic Tax Planning for 2012
    10. Using Fairness Opinions to Manage Risk in Middle-Market Transactions
    11. Acquiring, Starting, or Buying into a CPA Firm- Examining the Risks and Benefits for Potential Owners
    12. A Tax Quality Control Template for Avoiding Risk
    13. Accounting Education in the Second Life World- Opportunities for Students, Faculty, and Businesses
    14. New Ethics Guidance for CPAs in Public Practice and Business- An Examination of Changes to the Code of Professional Conduct
    15. Website of the Month- IFRS.org
    16. Recognizing the Value of Management Accounting- The IMA Plans to Grow Certification and Education An Interview with IMA President and CEO Jeffrey C. Thomson
  45. United Nations (UN) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Piden estimular la investigación de enfermedades que afectan a países en desarrollo
    2. FAO destaca aumento de valor de exportaciones sudamericanas por altos precios de alimentos
    3. Chile se compromete ante la FAO a apoyar desarrollo agrícola en América Latina
    4. Reino Unido dona 25 millones de dólares para mejorar estadísticas agrícolas
    5. UNESCO pugna por promover investigación científica como motor del desarrollo
    6. Seguridad nutricional debe ser parte esencial de todo plan de desarrollo- UNICEF
    7. ONU examina relación entre felicidad y desarrollo
    8. OMT coauspicia conferencia sobre turismo en el Mediterráneo
    9. Banda ancha puede ayudar a afrontar el cambio climático, según UIT
    10. Cumbre de expertos en alimentación evalúa desafíos en este y sur de África
  46. United Nations Capital Development Fund - Internacional - Noticias

    1. UNCDF and The MasterCard Foundation Release New Paper on Policy Opportunities and Constraints to Access Youth Financial Services
  47. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Compendio de la CNUDMI sobre jurisprudencia relativa a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías, versión 2012 ( Inglés)
  48. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. UNEP sends message for UNCTAD XIII
    2. Members of the European Parliament will be attending UNCTAD XIII
    3. BRICS leaders address global challenges, commit to successful UNCTAD XIII
    4. UNCTAD S-G at European Parliament to brief on UNCTAD XIII and trade issues
    5. BRICS Ministers call for strengthening of UNCTAD
    6. Harnessing foreign direct investment for development
    7. Eminent Persons drawing up long-term 'vision' for UNCTAD
    8. UNCTAD organizes workshop on climate change reporting
    9. Wall Street Journal interviews UNCTAD S-G Dr. Supachai
    10. Côte d'Ivoire President to attend UNCTAD XIII
    11. ACP States welcome UNCTAD XIII
    12. World exports of commercial services slowed sharply in the fourth quarter of 2011
    13. Global governance reform needs to catch up with the pace of globalization
    14. Assisting States in drafting better investment agreements
    15. UNCTAD S-G warns Asian economies against complacency
    16. Qatar Emir welcomes UNCTAD XIII
    17. The Long-term Optimal Real Exchange Rate and the Currency Overvaluation Trend in Open Emerging Economies- The Case of Brazil
  49. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. International Mine Action Day
    2. Countries across Asia plan ways to foster gender equality in politics
    3. UN debates putting happiness at centre of development
    4. Helen Clark- Opening remarks “Happiness and wellbeing- Defining a new economic paradigm”
    5. Rebeca Grynspan Seminar 2- Funding of UN Operational Activities for Development. What is meant by “critical mass” of core resources-
    6. Rebeca Grynspan- Remarks at the launch of the Global Parliamentary Report
    7. Parliaments still vital to public quest for democracy despite fragile trust, new report says
    8. Helen Clark- Q&A on “Green Conversations” Blog
    9. Helen Clark- Opening speech to UNDP Arab States Regional Meeting of Resident Representatives in Rabat, Morocco
    10. Helen Clark- Opening remarks on the occasion of World Social Work Day
    11. Helen Clark- "Education and International Development"
    12. Eastern Europe and Central Asia should transition toward sustainable development now, says UN report
    13. Equator Prize winners announced, awards will be presented during Rio+20
    14. Global Human Development Forum adopts ‘Istanbul Declaration’ urging action at ‘Rio+20’
    15. Urgent international action needed to combat social inequalities and environmental risks, UN Secretary General says
    16. World Water Day 2012
    17. Colombia- Marginalized groups increasingly involved in local governance
    18. Rebeca Grynspan- Opening speech at the first Global Human Development Forum
    19. The Secretary General- Message to the Global Human Development Forum
    20. Global Human Development Forum in Istanbul this week to focus on sustainability and equity as priorities for “Rio + 20” conference
    21. Why Equity and Sustainability Matter for Human Development
    22. UNDP launches international platform for global water solidarity
    23. Rio+20Sustainable Development Summit
    24. Second Arab Knowledge Report addresses future generations
    25. Helen Clark- The Importance of Governance for Sustainable Development
    26. UN Development Chief says economic growth not enough to achieve sustainable development
  50. United Nations Global Compact - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Global Compact LEAD Launches New Geographies of Corporate Sustainability in Support of Rio+20
    2. LEAD Task Force on UN-Business Partnerships Meets to Refine UN Partnership Facility
    3. Private Sector Focal Points Meet, Discuss Accelerating UN-Business Partnerships
    4. Sustainia on the Look-out for Top 100 Sustainable Solutions
    5. Anti-Corruption Collective Action Project Launched in Egypt
    6. Business to Take a Stand on Sustainability at Crucial Lead-in to Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro
    7. Nigerian Economic Summit Group Reaffirms Commitment to Ethical Business Practices
    8. World Business and Development Awards Extend Nomination Deadline by One Week
    9. Investors Representing US$3 Trillion Show Support for the Global Compact, While Stepping up
    10. CEO Water Mandate Convenes During World Water Forum
    11. A Call to Business to Respect and Support Children’s Rights
  51. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. UNODC, UNIDO join forces to promote development in rural communities dependent on drug crops
  52. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) - Internacional  - Noticias

    1. Gendered Impacts of Globalization- Employment and Social Protection
    2. Pension Reforms and Gender Equality in Latin America
    3. Conference News- Green Economy and Sustainable Development- Bringing Back the Social Dimension
    4. Development- Greening the Economy, Volume 55, Number 1, March 2012
    5. Security Sector Reform Needs Inclusive Politics and Jobs for the Poor
    6. Two new films in the Green Economy and Sustainable Development series online
  53. United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Top media representatives to join the debate at the UNWTO Conference on Tourism and the Media
    2. Flemish Community among the first regions to measure tourism’s economic impact using the Tourism Satellite Account
    3. Congress on Snow and Mountain Tourism to advance the use of new technologies in mountain tourism
  54. Universal Postal Union (UPU) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Capacity-building helps customs clearance
    2. Poste Italiane gives .post a boost
    3. New resolution adopted on Palestinian postal operations
  55. Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants (VACPA) - Vietnam - Noticias

  56. World Bank - Internacional - Noticias y publicaciones

    1. Las alianzas jugarán un papel fundamental en el futuro de la región
    2. India, Brasil y Sudáfrica abordan el desafío de los barrios marginales
    3. La declaración de activos e ingresos, por parte de altos funcionarios públicos, reviste decisiva importancia para poner coto a la corrupción, según un nuevo estudio de la Iniciativa para la Recuperación de Activos Robados
    4. Tercer Foro de Medios Públicos- Institucionalización y Democracia
    5. Nuevas estimaciones revelan reducción de la pobreza extrema 2005-2010
    6. México- Apoyo a manejo integral de riesgos fiscales ante incertidumbre global
    7. Foro Mundial del Agua- Banco Mundial adopta una visión holística del sector
    8. Se puede seguir la pista del “dinero sucio” procedente de la explotación maderera ilegal y confiscarlo, señala el Banco Mundial
    9. Vicepresidente del BM apuesta por alianzas para afrontar los retos de la región
    10. El Banco Mundial hace consultas con la sociedad civil sobre responsabilidad social
    11. Informe del Banco Mundial- Mejorar significativamente la prevención del VIH en África es vital para el manejo del impacto financiero del mal en el largo plazo
    12. First qualitative study on effects of crises
    13. How can income and asset disclosure systems help fight corruption-
    14. World Bank Publications Announcement - Issue 109
    15. Broadband Strategies Handbook -- a next-generation tool for broadband development
    16. Need guidance assessing trade competitiveness- Here is a handy toolkit for you
    17. Ask Now- 5 Questions for Global Experts, Asset Disclosure Key to Corruption Fight, and other updates
    18. HIV Prevention Vital for Africa's Economy, Get Updates from the World Water Forum, and other stories
    19. Civil Society Engagement eNewsletter - March 2012
    20. World Bank Note- Collaborative Border Management- A New Approach to an Old Problem
    21. World Bank Note- Realizing the Potential of Islamic Finance
    22. Making Health Financing Work in Tanzania....Beyond Universal Health Coverage....Poverty and Mental Disorders.... Health System Stewardship....Healthcare Utilization....China's Great Gender Crisis....HIV/AIDS Blog Roll....Combating Malnutrition in Ethiopia....Progress on Water and Sanitation....Quiet Revolution Across Islamic World....Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy....Learning Opportunities
    23. Interest Bearing Notes March 2012
    24. Investment Climate News- Rwanda Leaps Forward, Burkina Faso Gains Recognition as One of Africa's Active Reformers, Indonesia Addresses Investment Climate Issues, and more
    25. Law, Justice and Development E-Newsletter, March 2012
    26. World Bank Research E-Newsletter, March 2012
    27. Social Safety Nets - Newsletter Issue No. 12 - March 2012
    28. EduNews - Monthly World Bank Education Newsletter
    29. WBI News March 2012
    30. Food security and storage in the Middle East and North Africa
    31. Funding vs. real economy shock - the impact of the 2007-2009 crisis on small firms credit availability
    32. Adapting road procurement to climate conditions
    33. Optimizing the size of public road contracts
    34. Participatory accountability and collective action - evidence from field experiments in Albanian schools
    35. Productivity and the welfare of nations
    36. Food security and wheat prices in Afghanistan - a distribution-sensitive analysis of household-level impacts
    37. Impact of services liberalization on industry productivity, exports and development - six empirical studies in the transition countries
    38. Biotechnology innovation for inclusive growth - a study of Indian policies to foster accelerated technology adaptation for affordable development
    39. Why quality matters - rebuilding trustworthy local government in post-conflict Sierra Leone
    40. Does a picture paint a thousand words - evidence from a microcredit marketing experiment
    41. When do donors trust recipient country systems -
    42. How vulnerable are Arab countries to global food price shocks -
    43. Household coping and response to government stimulus in an economic crisis - evidence from Thailand
    44. Do middle classes bring institutional reforms -
    45. The impact of demand on cargo dwell time in ports in SSA
    46. Achieving the MDGs in Yemen - an assessment
    47. Putting services and foreign direct investment with endogenous productivity effects in computable general equilibrium models
    48. Channels of transmission of the 2007/09 global crisis to international bank lending in developing countries
    49. Structural challenges for SOEs in Belarus - a case study of the machine building sector
    50. How accurate are recall data - evidence from coastal India
    51. Gender inequality in the labor market in Serbia
    52. Trade causes growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
    53. Public services and expenditure need equalization - reflections on principles and worldwide comparative practices
    54. Firm growth and productivity in Belarus - new empirical evidence from the machine building industry
    55. Autonomy with equity and accountability - toward a more transparent, objective, predictable and simpler (TOPS) system of central financing of provincial-local expenditures in Indonesia
    56. Does India's employment guarantee scheme guarantee employment -
    57. Grant financing of metropolitan areas - a review of principles and worldwide practices
    58. The cross-country magnitude and determinants of collateral borrowing
    59. Leading Dragons phenomenon - new opportunities for catch-up in low-income countries
    60. The law's majestic equality - the distributive impact of litigating social and economic rights
    61. Appraising the Thailand village fund
    62. Sexual behavior change intentions and actions in the context of a randomized trial of a conditional cash transfer for HIV prevention in Tanzania
    63. Accessing economic and political impacts of Hydrological variability on treaties - case studies on the Zambezi and Mekong basins
    64. Subjective perceptions of the impact of the global economic crisis in Europe and Central Asia - the household perspective
    65. Governance and public service delivery in Europe and Central Asia - unofficial payments, utilization and satisfaction
    66. Why do some countries default more often than others - the role of institutions
    67. Impact of hospital provider payment reforms in Croatia
    68. The demand for, and consequences of, formalization among informal firms in Sri Lanka
    69. Living through Crises
    70. Broadband Strategies Handbook
    71. Trade Competitiveness Diagnostic Toolkit
    72. From Right to Reality
    73. Public Office, Private Interests
  57. World Economic Forum - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Global Information Technology Report Highlights Emergence of a New Digital Divide
    2. Report- Long-term Investing Can Be Severely Distorted by Inaccurate, Short-term Focus
    3. Report- Widespread Adoption of Mobile Financial Services Can Lead to Significant Government Savings
    4. Chinese Multinationals Becoming More Responsible Corporate Citizens
  58. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Internacional - Noticias

    1. Steve Jobs' IP on Display at WIPO
    2. Record International Trademark Filings in 2011
  59. XBRL Internacional - Internacional - Noticias

    1. XII Releases Financials in XBRL
    2. Pre-Register Now for the XBRL Foundation Certificate
